Michael Bolanos

About Michael Bolanos

Professional IT & Security Consultant, entrepreneur, friend of humans, animals, and Earth.

What is Microsoft Remote Desktop

We use Remote Desktop to connect and use Windows PCs everywhere. Remote Desktop is built in to all Windows computers. That means you can use it to connect to any other computer that has Remote Desktop enabled, see Allow access to your PC. This can be useful to connect to […]

Microsoft Remote Desktop

NextDNS vs Pi-hole

The battle between DNS servers is heating up. The average user might not appreciate why DNS is important so, let’s review. DNS is what converts the IP addresses on the web into readable text like google.com. Cloudflare calls DNS the phonebook of the Internet in their article titled “What is […]

The GoDaddy Report – Winter 2021

GoDaddy is one of the leading web hosting providers. Godaddy is an internet behemoth and a global titan in revenue. But maybe the real reason why people choose the daddy solution is because it is attractive to rookies. Having a website for most people is technically challenging, so when people […]