Michael Bolanos

About Michael Bolanos

Professional IT & Security Consultant, entrepreneur, friend of humans, animals, and Earth.

What is Plex and Cord-cutting?

Plex and Cord-cutting has gone mainstream.  People are freeing up extra cash each month by not subscribing to Comcast, AT&T, or Direct TV fees.  Those fees we are discussing might be the entire bill, or even the nickel and dime fees that add up on cable boxes, subscriber cards, additional […]


Tech Tips #7 – 2017

My Tech Tips for 2017 are for the average person. From novices to the Tech savvy, my tips will hopefully make you a bit more hip with the Techies this year. Out with the Old, In with the New Many of my best clients claim to know very little about […]


Wordpress Search

Why everyone is switching to WordPress

Have you noticed how many websites have switched to WordPress?  In January of 2015 Entrepreneur Magazine was even recommending WordPress in 25 Reasons your Business Should Switch to WordPress. Let’s backtrack a little bit, if you are still using just a plain html site then it’s time to get hip […]

Let’s revisit SEO for Small Business Websites

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) has been around for a while now.  There was a time when you had to have your Search Engine optimization Guru help with this.  Now you can buy SEO a la carte from your web hosting provider or even just use plugins with WordPress. You probably know […]

Google Search

Raspberry Pie

¿Qué hay de un Pastel de Frambuesa?

El Pastel de Frambuesa (Raspberry Pi, Pi) se ha convertido en un fenómeno cultural. Fue diseñado en el Reino Unido como una pieza de hardware para enseñar a los niños cómo programar código de software. El Pastel de Frambuesa (Raspberry Pi) 3 es el último modelo de este tablero nifty. En estos […]

Dive into the Pi – Getting Started with the Raspberry Pi

Ok, so you’ve been waiting long enough to get your hands on a Raspberry Pi and you want to get started. Let’s get started building our Raspberry Pi with a few short steps.  If you are a Raspberry Pi NOOB, start here. Here is a great video on Raspberry Pi explained… […]

Raspberry Pi case by Michael Bolanos

Raspberry Pi Model B

What about some Raspberry Pi?

The Raspberry Pi has become a cultural phenomenon.  It was designed in the U.K. as a piece of hardware to teach kids how to program software code. The Raspberry Pi 3 is the latest model of this nifty board.  These days you can find it at Fry’s and other retailers, […]

Steps to getting a Small Business on the Cloud (for a competitive advantage)

Over the years we have helped people get on the Cloud, and we have seen how many resourceful businesses got themselves there on their own. These days there is so much to choose from the choices can be a daunting task to sort through.  Let us see if we can […]

Cloud Solutions