Security Standards

offthegridit Security

offthegridit Security Standards

These standards are intended to reflect the minimum level of care necessary for client’s sensitive data. The standards are meant to only be a minimum effort and the level of effort to maintain your security should be commensurate with your security posture.

Clients are carefully evaluated to assist in implementing secure policies aimed at protecting your data. offthegridit expects all partners, consultants, and vendors to abide by offthegridit’s information security policies.

Please consider the following minimum security standards to secure your data.

Minimum Recommended Security Standards

Minimum Security Standards: Endpoints
An endpoint is defined as any laptop, desktop, or mobile device.

Minimum Security Standards: Servers
A server is defined as a host that provides a network accessible service.

Minimum Security Standards: Networks
A server is defined as a host that provides a network accessible service.

Information Security Framework

Consider establishing and updating your Information Security Framework by providing policies, standards, and procedures for your organization.