The current state of security forces us to think of new ways to protects our accounts. You must use 2FA, two-factor, dual factor, multi-factor authentication for your accounts to keep your accounts safe.
But with the rapid adoption of new authenticator apps to manage logging into websites means we are forced to use apps like Google Authenticator, Microsoft Authenticator, iCloud Keychains, and more and it gets a bit challenging to manage all these ways to authenticate yourself.
About Microsoft Authenticator
Apple’s Two-factor authentication for Apple ID
Having all these authenticators means more things to manage and no one wants that. That is where a new app called Authy comes in. (Yes, we know another app, geeesh.)
Check out Authy for a way to consolidate your multi-factor apps.
Here is an episode of the Tech Guy on YouTube discussing Authenticator Apps. This video may be a bit lengthy and not for everyone but it may be worth checking out.
Authy has online guides to help you add two-factor Apps to the Authy app here: https://authy.com/guides/
But if you are already overwhelmed you may want to seek a professional consultation with your IT support staff or us. The best way to get started is to focus on the app from the vendor you use the most (Microsoft or Google.) Apple already has this functionality built into their devices, so it is not an app.
Stay focused on actually enabling and using these apps. It is very important and going into 2021 we will see a continued reliance on these security apps for two-factor authentication.
What is two-factor authentication (2FA)?
Why you should not use your mobile phone SMS (text messages) for two-factor authentication