Cloud IT Support

Talking Tech

Talking Tech

Cloud Computing & the Economies of Scale (for Small Businesses)

Cloud computing, as defined by the National Institute of Standards and Technology, is a model for enabling “ convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources...

Will your mobile future be Wired or Wireless? (4 Tips for a Wired World)

Cordless charging is convenient.  But to get better use form your battery consider these things: 1.  Turn off wireless when not in use on your phone. 2.  Turn off bluetooth if you are not using it. 3...

What is the big deal about Amazon Web Services (AWS)?

The big deal is that they have data centers that are considered by some to be some of the most reliable in the world.  Amazon rents space out in their data centers to everyone from Netflix, and...

Top 3 Myths SMBs have about Cloud Security

The top 3 Myths SMBs have about Cloud Security are: 3.  I only have one cloud If you have Box, Dropbox, and iCloud, and Google… think again. 2.  The Cloud is automatic The year is...

Our experience comes from working with businesses, individuals, startups, and maker.  Mostly in Silicon Valley but in many other parts of the United States as well.  

See and learn technology trends in Silicon Valley. 

Access to data and technology in the Cloud brings new opportunities to share information. 

Technology is constantly evolving, and its impact on our lives is undeniable.  Join us as we navigate the ever-changing landscape, empowering you to embrace and make the most of the digital revolution.

Michael Bolanos is the curator of Talking Tech and brings us over 35 years in the Computer and Electronics industry

Talking Tech
The world we live in is changing, and we must adapt.  In this century human brains are not wired for this rapid digital transformation that is taking place.  Here is our perspective on technology, how it affects us, and what we can do about it.